July – Williamson’s Cork to Fork!

This edition of Williamson Cork to Fork still features our lovely Wine of the Month – Blossom Rosé, but also another ingredient we’re rather fond of – cherries! It’s a sweet treat we’re sure you’ll enjoy AND it requires about the same amount of time to prepare as it does to brew a pot of coffee. Let’s dig in!

Cherry Clafoutis with Blossom Rosé wine sauce
Cast iron skillet filled with cooked cherries and batter
First things first, preheat your oven to 350°f degrees. Generously butter or grease (we chose the latter) a 8-9 inch pie dish or cast iron skillet (there we go again, we chose the latter), and place the cherries into the bottom of the prepared dish. It may seem like too many cherries, but you want a lot of them. I mean, steal one and eat it if you must, but don’t get worried that you have too many stuffed in there. Set aside and make the batter.
ingredients pre-set: cherries, eggs, sugar, cream, flour, more
Grab a large mixing bowl and whisk together the milk, sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, and salt until smooth. It won’t take long at all – two minutes of your life, tops. Pour batter carefully over the cherries in the skillet or pie pan.
skillet filled with cherries and batter being poured over the top
Bake for one hour, or until the top is golden brown and a knife plunged to the center comes out clean. The clafoutis will be a bit puffed up, and as it cools it will deflate a bit – totally normal.
Here’s where our wine comes in! In a small sauce pan you’re going to make a simple syrup with 1/3 cup Blossom Rosé and 2 TBSP sugar. Whisk until dissolved and heat on high until it reduces by half. While it’s still hot, pour it onto the cooling clafoutis.

Once you’re ready to serve, dust lightly with powdered sugar and enjoy. The clafoutis has a rich, custard-like texture that’s perfectly complimented by the sweetness of the cherries. You could serve this for brunch just as easily as you could for dessert, and then you could get up the next day and have it for breakfast – there are no rules, just vibes.
Cast iron skillet with cooked cherries and batter dusted with powdered sugar

We hope you enjoy this wine-infused twist on a French classic brought to life by our delicious Blossom Rosé and cherries from our orchard. If you make it, let us know how it goes!

1 TBSP butter or shortening
1 ¼ cup whole milk
2/3 cup granulated sugar
3 large eggs
1 TBSP vanilla extract
½ TSP kosher salt
½ cup all-purpose flour
3 cups cherries, pitted or unpitted
Powdered sugar, dusted for serving
1/3 cup Blossom Rosé
2 TBSP granulated sugar

Pro Tip: Make sure  you inform your guests whether or not they need to be on the look out for cherry pits!